Thursday, January 24, 2008

Military MOM muscles (MMM)

Well, if I had a digital camera, (hint to Paul), I would have taken a picture of me dismanteling the water bed in Eric's room. It took me two days to tug and pull to get the mattress off the frame and onto a sheet and then drag it out into the hall, where I let Spencer help me drag down the stairs and out to the garage. (Yes, Laurie Miller, I know this is a run on sentence!) After all that hard work I logged it in as a workout at the YMCA on fit linxx. Since there wasn't a category for that kind of a work out, I logged it out as 'rowing'.
Seminary has been slim pickings for attendance this week with attendance. We studied the Book of Judges. I have always liked the story of Deborah and how she and another lady named Jael, nailed two mens heads to the ground with a tent stake. Actually in the first story the knock his head off first!! Does that mean I am morbid? GOOOO Deborah!!! I also think that it is funny in a couple of chapters later that a man doesn't want to go down in history with people knowing he was killed by a "woman", so he asks someone else to do it. ( I thought Laurie would like this feminist remark!)
And since I want to leave this on a positive note, I will say that none of the three animals peed in MY house today!! (That excludes the three that walk on two legs!)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Weren't they adorable!!! I wish I could go back!!!

Here I am after my first 5 miler. Not too bad, I only have about 18 weeks to go until the big raced day. Camille made it into jazz band. She will be on the piano and is most likely to only 6th grader in the band. She has listened to Spencer the last several years with the trombone and was really torn about being in the orchestra and the band. She chose orchestra and is excelling with the Violin. Now she gets to have both by doing jazz band. It will be two days a week before school and very excited!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

This is a typical image of Camille every night at dinner ! The girl likes to laugh and it is so contagious that eventually we all end up laughing.

"Here is proof that Eric did once know how to smile!!!"

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Where was I when they were so small? I wish I could go back in time or start all over again.!!

Yeah Me!!!

This is my first blog!!! I think this is going to be so cool! I would like to keep in touch with family and friends---(and you all know how much I like to touch people) and let you take a peek into our exciting, perfect lives!! HAHA!

Paul has been scanning pictures on the DVD in all his spare time in Bahrain and it has made me miss the time when the boys were small. (Ten years ago, I would have never seen that coming!)
So I will post an occasional picture that I like.

I am busy doing seminary and LOVE it. The Old Testament Rocks! I am also trying to fill my time with Paul being gone, so I am training for my first sprint triathalon. I am crazy, but making progress. The race date is May 3rd!! Today for the first time I ran 5 straight miles. It may not seem like a lot to you marathon runners, but I did it and even managed to drag myself out of my car after my drive home. Right now I am in a recliner and have to wait for the kids to come home from school to bend my legs to get out of it, but I still did it!